Art Paper: A common name for a coated paper stock with good reproductive qualities for offset printing.
Book Paper: A paper suitable for offset printing, generally with a high opacity as well as excellent folding qualities and durability.
Brightness: A measure of the whiteness or lack of color of a blank sheet of paper.
Lightweight Coated Paper: Strong and inexpensive paper made primarily of mechanically ground wood pulp rather than chemical pulp. Used primarily for Web Press production.
Newsprint: An inexpensive paper made primarily of mechanically ground wood pulp rather than chemical pulp.
Opacity: As opposed to transparency, a measure of the ability of a paper to prevent artwork printed on the RE-VERSE side of a page from showing through on the front side.
Synthetic Paper: A paper-like material made of PVC and commonly referred to as ‘yupo paper’ with excellent reproductive qualities and a slick, smooth feel. Can be rather expensive.
Woodfree Paper: Paper which contains less than 10% mechanical pulp; Good for one and two color jobs, or jobs requiring a lower reproductive quality of full color images.